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American Youth Soccer Organization Providing world class youth soccer programs that enrich children's lives.

San Marcos AYSO #127

When does the season start?
Fall 2024 season begins on September 7, 2024.  
Practice begins in August 2024
Game times and days are subject to change due to weather and/or field availability.  Be prepared for changes at all times.

I have registered, Now what happens?

Fall season: You will receive and email for player evaluation held for 10U, 12U and 14U Boys and Girls in July TBD.  Teams will be formed in August after the player evaluation is complete. Practices can begin on  August  1st. based on coaches availability. 

How does the region make teams?
Once the player evaluation is complete, teams will be formed based on the number of coach volunteers.  Teams will be balanced based the player's ratings.  

No player evaluations for Spring season.

Can I volunteer to coach or referee?
Yes, absolutely! You will need to go back into the registration process, then select and register for a position you would like to volunteer for. If you wish to coach, click on the Contact Us! link at top of page and email the division coordinator to let him/her know of your interest.  Coaches are especially needed for the lower divisions due to small team sizes and the quantity of kids signed up.

Will I be contacted to volunteer?
The short answer is ABSOLUTELY YES. AYSO is an all volunteer program whose mission is to provide a quality soccer program that enriches the lives of children. To accomplish the mission, over 250 adults are needed to provide the best possible experience for the children.  If we do not have enough volunteer Coaches and Referees then not all registered children will have the chance to play.  MAKE SURE TO VOLUNTEER EARLY SO THAT THE PROPER TRAINING CAN BE GIVEN!!  

What if my child wants to play with a friend?
Please contact the Division Coordinator of your child's age division, listed on the "Contact Us!" tab, to inquire about having your child placed with a friend for purposes of getting to and from practices.  However, please be aware that it is not always guaranteed that they will be placed on the same team.  This conversation must take place prior to team creation.  Once teams are created there will not be changes.  These types of changes are generally need based due to carpool.  Not all children have equal skill levels and due to our need to have balanced teams it is up to the division coordinator.

How do I register as an adult volunteer?
Step by step instructions.
How To Access AYSOUAYSO Volunteer Resources › how-to-access-aysou

What nights will my child practice?
Practice is generally once a week, Monday through Friday, for the U6 and U8 divisions.  
The U10 to U18 divisions usually practice two times a week.  Practice can range from one hour to one and a half hours depending on the field availability or the coach's preference. Practice times can be as early as 5pm, and last until sunset or 8pm depending on field lighting availability.

How do I get a refund of my registration fees?
We recognize that situations can arise that make it necessary for a player to withdraw from our league. AYSO allows withdrawal and will provide refunds based on the following Refund Policy.
Refund request has deadlines.  We will not deviate if deadlines are missed.  This is your responsibility.

Emailing the Region does not constitute a Request for Refund -it is merely a courtesy to the Region, Coaches, and other players on the wait list.

Refunds are normally processed within 4 to 6 weeks. Refund requests are subject to review by the Regional Commissioner, Registrar and Treasurer before being approved.
If, after following all the drop procedures, a refund is allowed, it will be applied as follows: A full refund less $25 will be given, if the player is dropped by August 1, 2024. The $25 is a non-refundable amount charged by AYSO National for each player, credit card transaction fees, and AYSO National Volunteer Background Check fees dispersed among players.  A full refund less 50% may be granted for drop requests received between Aug 1, 2024 and the first scheduled game providing that the player uniforms are returned to the coach, coordinator or registrar.  No refund will be granted after the first game.  The player drop and refund request form must be completed to receive a refund. 

Due to an increase in the National Fee in Fall 2024, the $20 non-refundable will increase to $25 in Fall 2024. 

Please Note:

  • Once a player has participated in practices or games, a refund will not be issued.
  • Any equipment (i.e. player uniform) must be returned prior to being issued a refund.
  • In cases where a Player is unable to be placed on a team by the Region (i.e. not enough coaches) the player will receive a full refund– regardless of date submitted. (less AYSO National Player Membership Fee)
  • The AYSO National Player Membership Fee is non-refundable – per the AYSO National Office.
  • No refunds will be given without a properly completed Player Withdrawal form.


What is the National Player Fee and Why is it non-refundable?
The AYSO Membership fee (formerly known as the National Player Fee) is a non-refundable and non-transferable member fee to participate in AYSO.  Membership in AYSO is required for each Membership Year before a member may participate in any AYSO program or event. This fee entitles the member to all benefits for that membership year, including:

  • Membership Player ID Card
  • Annual Subscription to the PLAYSOCCER magazine
  • Newsletters
  • Soccer Accident Insurance
  • Special Offers and Discounts
  • Access to the AYSO Player Website Channel
This non-refundable membership fee is consistent with other youth sports organizations.

When will the National Player Fee be debited?
The AYSO Membership Fee will be added to the shopping cart when a parent applies for their child to play in a program. The AYSO Membership fee will only be charged once per Membership Year regardless of the number of programs or Regions the player participates in.  If you pay membership fee in fall you will not pay again in Spring Season. It will be due again the following fall season.

Background check - All volunteers must be background checked.  If you were in Fall, you are good for spring. 

Picture Day - Fall season - no refunds for pictures not taken.  Make your plans now.  Team pictures will also be taken on this day. Picture times are TBD at present.  Coaches will be scheduled and will know the time approximately 2 weeks in advance of date.  No pictures in Spring season.

Parents are responsible to replace uniforms that are ordered according to registration that do not fit.  This is not the regions responsibility.

What should I bring to my child’s practices and games?
Shin guards (required), soccer shoes, a soccer ball and water. Also, bringing a well rested, well hydrated, nutritionally balanced child with a positive attitude and willingness to learn is highly recommended!

Do I have to get soccer shoes for my child to play?
Soccer shoes are not mandatory but are highly recommended (regular athletic shoes with no cleats are the alternative). When buying soccer shoes, they cannot have a toe cleat (baseball shoes have a toe cleat). Generally speaking, nearly all players at all age levels use soccer shoes for practices and games.

What size soccer ball should I get for my child?
Divisions U5 through U8 use a Size 3 ball.
Divisions U10 and U12 use a Size 4 ball.
Divisions U14 and above use a Size 5 ball.

Why are the children required to wear their soccer socks over their shin guards?
Safety is the primary reason. Some types of shin guards are hard shell instead of soft, and may have sharp edges that could cut a player. By wearing their socks over the shin guards, players protect each other. Also, wearing the socks over the shin guards prevent the shin guards from shifting during running or when being kicked, which allow the shin guards to protect the areas they are supposed to.

Is it OK for players to wear jewelry during practice and game?
No. Jewelry of any kind (necklaces, watches, earrings, rings, bracelets, etc.) cannot be worn during practice or games.

There is an exception for Med-Alert bracelets, but they must be completely covered with tape or a soft cloth band for the safety of your child and all the other players.

The doctor said that my child can play with his arm splint. Will AYSO allow him/her to play?
No. While the doctor may be representing your child's interest appropriately, the risk to other players mandates that he/she limit participation to that of moral support on the sidelines. Players may not wear casts or splints which could possibly cause injury to himself/herself or another player. NO EXCEPTIONS. This applies at the games as well as at practices.

What about eyeglasses and hearing aids?
Glasses, hearing aids, and med-alerts may be worn to practices and games. The use of an eyeglass holder/strap or sports-glasses is recommended. As stated above, Med-Alerts must be completely covered with tape or a soft cloth band as a safety measure.

It can be cold during the early morning season games. Can my child wear a sweatshirt during the games?
Any extra articles of clothing must be worn under the uniform (so you can still determine which team a player is associated with). It is recommended that any extra articles of clothing be limited to undershirts or turtle necks (under the uniform). Try to coordinate with your team’s colors if possible. Any extra articles cannot have any zippers or any plastic/metal components of any kind.

What kinds of hair accessories are acceptable?
Any hair accessories should not be made of metal or plastic, and should not be rigid. Soft hair accessories such as “scrunchies” and soft rubber bands are recommended and acceptable.

Does the Region offer discounted registration Fees for families in need?             
The American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) is a non-profit, all volunteer program. Our mission is to provide soccer opportunities to as many young athletes as possible in a fun, fair and safe environment.  Our basic policy is that parents/guardians should finance their children’s registration fee to the “extent that they are able.” In that our goal is maximum participation, a scholarship fund has been established in our region to help parents/guardians with the registration fee if necessary. A Region 127 scholarship is based on financial need of families who are not able to pay for all of their child’s registration in order to participate. Because there are limited funds available, the scholarships will go to families who demonstrate the greatest need while scholarship funds remain available.

Discounted registration is in place automatically for siblings and will not be additive to anything provided in the scholarship program.  Receipt of a scholarship does not guarantee your child a position on a team. Once it is determined the number of coaches available for the division and teams are balanced, your child as with all others could end up on a wait list and ultimately dropped from the program if a team cannot be formed.  If you wish to apply, you must complete the attached and submit by the due date listed.  

National Partners

Contact Us

San Marcos AYSO Region 127

PO Box 333 
San Marcos, California 92079

Email Us: [email protected]
Phone : 877-233-2976
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